Sherbrooke Road HS Details

Price :£
No. of Bedrooms :4
Features / Facilities : Leather Sofas
2 reception
Room Size : Large
Room Type :1 Single (£45) 1 Large double (£55)
Description : House share offering very good value
for money. Close to the town center,
New College Nottingham, bus and tram
stops. Living room, kitchen diner,
rear yard and utility room. Clean and
well maintained. Free internet access
and regular cleaning service!
Available From : 25-02-2013
City :Nottingham
Postcode :NG5 2BE
Area :Carrington
Extra Information: Mixed, 3 or less people, Internet, Cleaner, Inclusive of some bills, Fully Furnished, Students, Professionals, House
Room Reference No. :SherbHS